Port of Aarhus strengthens business with new project director

The Port of Aarhus has experienced significant growth over the past few years and is today Denmark's largest commercial port, where around 10 million tonnes of cargo are shipped over the quays annually.
In the coming years, the Port of Aarhus is facing a number of major infrastructure and development projects that will help ensure the continued development of the core business of Port of Aarhus. This is not least due to the transformation into a limited liability company from 1st of April 2025. This requires a strengthened effort, which Thomas Haber Borch, CEO of the Port of Aarhus, is pleased that Henrik Munch Jensen has agreed to lead.
I am very pleased that Henrik Munch Jensen has agreed to become our new CPO and lead the work on some of our most crucial projects. We are challenged to meet the growing demand for waterfront land and it is therefore crucial that we succeed in implementing some of the projects already on the drawing board, but also identifying new areas that can contribute to our future development. We know that this requires a sustained and competent effort in cooperation with partners, authorities, politicians and citizens, and I have no doubt that Henrik Munch Jensen is the right man to lead,
says Thomas Haber Borch.
Henrik Munch Jensen has been with the Port of Aarhus since 1983 and has since held various senior positions. Since 1991, he has been CFO, where he has been responsible for the financial function and digitalisation of Port of Aarhus.
I am delighted to have the opportunity to work with something that in many ways can become defining for the future of Port of Aarhus. We are seeing at the moment that ports have great vigilance with both the government and politicians. But we also face challenges when we need to develop our land and our business, and we need to be able to deal with them. These are difficult tasks ahead, but I am ready and look forward to taking on them together with our partners and skilled colleagues in our organization,
says Henrik Munch Jensen.
Henrik Munch Jensen will take up his new position as CPO on 1st April 2025. The Port of Aarhus is now initiating the recruitment of a new CFO.